In Madrid, from April 28th to May 5th 2007






New cinema and contemporary art


In Madrid, from April 28th to May 5th 2007

at the Circulo de Bellas Artes


Since 1997, the Rencontres Internationales have been presenting in Paris and Berlin an international program between new cinema and contemporary art – film, video, installation, net art and multimedia concert. Known of their rich and quality program, the Rencontres Internationales are today a European cultural event of first scale.


In 2007, the Rencontres Internationales open up to a third city, Madrid, where an exceptional edition will take place, with the collaboration of the Comunidad de Madrid and the support of the Cervantes Institut.


From April 28th to May 5th 2007, the Rencontres Internationales will create during 8 days a space of discovery and reflection between new cinema and contemporary art, at the Circulo de Bellas Artes.


With the participation of 150 artists and film directors from all-over the world, this exceptional edition will propose a program, which is presented for the first time internationally and includes many film premieres and cartes blanches, an exhibition and multimedia concerts. Furthermore, the festival's program, in which 95% is presented in world premiere, can be viewed and reviewed in the video library.


The Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid wish to present these works of art to a large public, to mix different forms of creation and make their publics communicate, to promote various exchanges between artists, film directors and other actors of the cultural and artistic world. The dimension of exchange between the three cities will be particularly present in the programming, also via the debates, that will be organized. 


This year's program, which is particularly rich and dense, has been selected out of 5200 projects received, as well as by invitations made to certain artists and film directors. This program is the result of an elaborated international search of works of art: 250 works from Spain, France, Germany and 70 other countries, bringing together internationally-known artists and film directors with young artists and film directors, whose work will be presented for the first time in Madrid.



20 films and video screenings (videos, experimental cinema, documentary, fiction), including in particular:

An international panorama of contemporary video creation.

> A selection of new fiction and documentary, presented for the first time internationally.

the last film of Matthias Müller and Christoph Girardet (DE).

the last film of Emmanuelle Antille (CH).

the last work of Naomi Kawase (JP).

focus on several countries : Spain, France, Germany, and a selection of rare films and videos coming from China, Kazakhstan, Iran.

Invited programs made by distribution structures of video and new media: OVNI (ES), Hamaca (ES), EAI (USA), Vtape (CA), Montevideo (NL), Argos (BE).


Each screening is built around a subject or a theme, bringing together different forms and audiovisual practices. Among the 20 screenings, we could mention the following :

"Villes contemporaines", especially with Jérôme Schlomoff (FR), Jean-Luc Vilmouth (FR)

"Politique de l'image", especially with Dora Garcia (ES), Rainer Kirberg (DE), Eleonore de Montesquiou (FR)

"Plan séquence", especially with Martijn Veldhoen (NL), Peter Garfield (USA), Nicolas Floc'h (FR)

"Photo / paysage", especially with Olivo Barbieri (IT), Mauro Santini (IT), Els Opsomer (BE).

"Corps / danse", especially with Alex Campoy (ES), Kai Kaljo (EE), Valeriano Lopez (ES), Edgar Pera (ES).

"Gender is my genre", especially with Isabell Spengler (DE), Maite   Cajaraville (ES), Delphine Kreuter (FR), Nicolás Branca (UR)

"Footage / samplage", especially with Volker Schreiner (DE), Johan Grimonprez (BE), Hasham Bizri (LB)

"Top model", especially with Manuel Saiz (ES), Michael Brynntrup (DE), Ane Lan (NO)

"Super expérimental", especially with Thorsten Fleisch (DE), Christina von Greve (DE), Barbara Doser et Kurt Hofstetter (AT)

"Nouvelle fiction", especially with Nicolas Provost (BE), Gregg Smith (ZA),

"Animations contemporaines" especially with Run Wrake (UK), Elise Florenty (FR), Daniel Barrow (CA), Jonathan Schwartz (USA)



An international exhibition (videos, installations, net art…)

At the opening of the Rencontres, a triptych composed by Philippe Alain Michaud, cinema curator at the National museum of modern art "Centre Pompidou", with the historical film of Antony McCall "Line describing a cone", an interfering documentary of Gordon Matta Clark, and a work of Pierre Huyghe.


> Six parts of the video and media art exhibition :

* "Réseau Média" : especially with a brand new installation of the duo JoDi (NL) pioneer of net art, an installation and a conference of Ubermorgen (AT) central figure of the digital scene, the last video of Jordan Crandall (USA), the last works of Joan Leandre (ES) and Roberto Aguirrezabala (ES), a new piece of Christophe Bruno (FR).

* "Topographie" : especially with a piece of Beatriz Caravaggio (ES), Antoine Boutet (FR).

* "Villes contemporaines" : especially with the last video of Thomas Köner (DE), Alexander Vaindorf (SE).

* "TV critique" : articulated around the video of Antonio Muntadas, especially with Michel François (BE) and Tony Cokes (USA).

* "Gestuelles" : especially with a video of the young artist Antonin de Bemels (BE), and Rafael Gallar (ES).

* "Corps social" : especially with the works of Hans Op de Beeck (BE), Koen Theys (BE) and Corinna Schnitt (DE).


> An exceptional circle elaborated around the "split-screen" device or the double screening, everyday from 11 am to 17 pm, especially with Hervé Trioreau (FR), Maider Fortuné (FR)

Ø       A specific space dedicated to documentary of creation.

Ø       A video library gathering the entire program.



Multimedia concerts, especially with Remco Schuurbiers (NL/DE), co-director of the Club Transmediale in Berlin, as well as an exceptional concert of the Finnish duo Pink Twins (FI) and an electronic concert of the duo Mikomikona (DE) from Berlin.



Debates and round tables (with the participation of directors of museums and contemporary art centers, curators and directors of festivals and cultural institutions from many countries). These debates and round tables aim to develop a reflection on form circulations between new cinema and contemporary art and to redefine the new challenges related to digital creation.

> Emerging artistic forms and structures dedicated to contemporary art in East Europe, especially with the directors and the programmers of the Contemporary Art Center of Vilnius (LT), the National museum of Contemporary Art of Bucharest (RO), the National Gallery of Modern Art of Ljubljana (SL), the Museum of Contemporary Art of Zagreb (HR), the Arts Academy of Estonia (EE)

> Evolution of artistic forms and challenges of programming between new cinema and contemporary art. Conference by Lars Henrik Gass, director of the International festival of Oberhausen (DE).

> Which places and which publics for the new audiovisual artistic forms, moving from cinema to art space, especially with Danièle Hibon, cinema and audiovisual programmer of the National Museum of Jeu de Paume, Paris (FR), and Mark Adams, cinema programmer at ICA – Contemporary Art Institute, London (UK).

> The new problematics that the distribution structures are dealing with : the evolution of the means of distribution and artists' support, with the following distributors : Hamaca Online – Barcelone (ES), Pointligneplan – Paris (FR), Vtape – Toronto (CA), Montevideo – Amsterdam (NL), Ovni – Barcelone (ES), Argos – Brussels (BE).

> Accompanying contemporary video and media art creation – between the necessity of critic tools and the must of visibility spaces, especially with (ES) and Exit Express (ES)

> Festivals and artists' residences as spaces of reflection and structures of support to the new forms, especially with the Festival Vila Do Conde (PT), the Biennale de l'Image en Mouvement (CH), MediaLab Madrid (ES)

Evolution of the questions of programming among spaces of distribution of cinema creation and contemporary art, especially with Berta SichelMuseo Reina Sophia (ES), Géraldine GomezCentre Pompidou, Paris (FR), John Thomson EAI, New York (USA).



An intercultural forum. More than a mere presentation of works of art, the Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid also propose a truly intercultural forum, where the 150 artists participating will exchange with the public, talking about the situation of artistic practices in their home countries. 


The Rencontres Internationales wish to contribute to a reflection on our contemporary image culture, via an ambitious program, open to everyone.




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